Eurorack USB 5V power adapter DIY Kit or PCB

Deftaudio EuroPower offers a standard USB Type A Female connector to power your devices from Eurorack power bus. It's designed to support various chassis configuration with 5V rail or with +12/-12V rails only.
If you need the opposite way converter, i.e. power Eurorack from USB source, then check other products in this store. There is a solution for this in our store.

The board is designed to be flexible for different type of internal power configurations. It has one Type A female port out and one 16 pin Eurorack power input. The source power rail is selected with a jumper (or a switch could be soldered instead). If 5V selected then only filtering caps (10uf and 0.1uf) and LED are used. If 12V then it's routed to DC-DC converter first. The pinout for DC-DC converter supports multiple standards, suitable for linear and BUCK converters.

Purchasing options:
  • PCB only: Only PCB board is included, other parts, such as connectors, capacitors, DC-DC, diode and LED are sourced by a buyer.
  • DIY Kit: All required parts are coming with the kit. Includes high quality DC-DC converter rated to 3A. Also comes with 16-pin eurorack ribbon cable.
  • Assembled board:

Assembly instructions:
The board is self explanatory but Github link includes schematics, board layout and photos to help if there are any problems.

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